Remind is a messaging app built just for teachers, students, and parents

by Virginia Campbell

With the final days of summer dwindling down, it’s time to get focused on going back to school . Whether you are still in school yourself, or if you’re a parent who needs to keep track of their kids’ education, you need all the help you can get. In the age of smartphones, there is a laundry list of apps out there that can help you out. However, Remind is the best one out there by a mile.

Remind: School Communication gives students, parents, and teachers tools for communication. Now, you no longer have to worry about missing an assignment or getting in contact with your teacher to ask them a question.

Remind: School Communication is changing the education game

Keep students up to date

Teachers can use remind to send notifications to students about things going on in class. For example, if your teacher is missing class because they are sick, they can let you know that class is either canceled or that there will be a sub.

Also, if permission slips are due for a field trip, teachers can send students a reminder that the due date to turn them in is approaching.

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Parents can stay informed

If you’re a parent, Remind is an invaluable app for you. You can stay on top of your kid’s assignments, and never miss signing another permission slip.

One of the best parts of the app is that you won’t have to wait until parent-teacher conferences to hear from your child’s teachers.

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Safety concerns

At first glance, this app may seem a bit sketchy. Private messaging between young children and their adult teachers at any hour of the day sounds like a recipe for disaster. Also, there are tools for sending money such money for field trips, so that also opens another ethical can of worms.  However, Remind has plenty of tools to help keep users safe.

For example, all users can get a full transcript of their conversations . This way, all users can be held accountable for things that they say. Also, students under 13 have several measures in place to help protect them:

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Wrapping up

If your school does not have an account with Remind, then it can’t help you. However, if you’re a teacher, you can set up a free account yourself! You can register up to 10 classes on Remind so all of your students will be kept in the loop!

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