What Software do you need to Install when Learning Programming

by Virginia Campbell


Nowadays, the development of science and technology is faster and faster. And the popularization rate of computer is increasing rapidly. More and more people begin to use computers to accomplish the work. Usually, these tasks need programming to complete. Before learning to program, we should first understand the basic definition of programming. What is programming for?

We want to make the computer understand people's intentions. Human beings must tell the thought, method and means of the problem. And the computer can work according to people's instructions and complete certain tasks. The communication process between human and computer system is programming. Programming is also divided into entry-level and advanced two stages. Choosing the right software for learning programming is a crucial step in learning programming. The following is to introduce which software needs to be installed for learning programming.

In the selection of programming software, we should understand the main purpose. Before learning to program, we need to select the appropriate programming software.

1. Pycharm

Python is an entry-level programming language for beginners. Pycharm comes with tools to help users improve efficiency when developing in Python. Python allows developers to express ideas in less code than C + + or Java. And Python can be used for web developed applications and desktop applications. This dynamic language supports OOP programming, procedural programming and functional programming. Pycharm has the functions of coding assistance, project code navigation, python refactoring, Django support. And Google App Engine support, integrated version control, graphical page debugger are also included.


2. Visual C++

People can choose to study C++ for their future professional work. Visual C++ is a free development tool of Microsoft. It has an integrated development environment and can provide programming languages. Such as editing C-language, C++ and C++/CLI. C++ can carry out the procedural programming of C-language. It can also be used for object-based programming characterized by abstract data types. C++ can be used for object-oriented programming characterized by inheritance and polymorphism. It allows users to debug remotely and recompile the modified code during debugging. These features significantly reduce the time spent in program editing, compiling and linking.


3. Eclipse

Java is an object-oriented programming language. It absorbs the advantages of C++ language. And it also abandons the incomprehensible concepts of multi-inheritance and pointers in C++. Therefore, Java language has two characteristics: powerful and easy to use. Java can write desktop applications, Web applications, distributed systems, and so on. Eclipse is an open source, Java-based extensible development platform. Simply speaking, it is a framework and a set of services. It can build a development environment through plug-in components. Eclipse comes with a standard set of plug-ins, including the java SDK.

Scholars should first understand their own basic learning status and learning purpose when learning. You need to choose appropriate programming language and find the appropriate programming software.

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