Beginner’s guide to Dead Island: Survivors

by Virginia Campbell

For those of you still waiting for Dead Island 2, Deep Silver is giving us another opportunity to crush some zombies. Dead Island: Survivors is a mobile tower defense RPG based in the Dead Island universe. Waves of zombies will rush towards your base, while you set up traps to prevent them from coming in. Some Dead Island fans were worried about this game being a mobile adaptation. However, the graphics and gameplay are surprisingly well done. This is more than just a little distraction from Dead Island 2’s Gamingdevelopment. Here are some tips and tricks to get you started in this new Dead Island game.

Take advantage of the heroes

While there are tower defense games that feature playable characters, it’s pretty uncommon for mobile ones. Take advantage of this opportunity to fight directly in combat. Each character has their own unique skills, so it’s best to pick the one that fits your playstyle. Regardless of who you play, you should use your character to make up for some of your traps’ downfalls. For example, if you have a lot of traps near one zombie entrance, but very little near the other, you should be using your character to make up for your weaker area. You can also use the character to distract the zombies for a bit, while your traps recharge. Be careful of doing this too much though, since you’ll lose the round if your hero dies.

Plan out a route for the zombies

Barricades are a cheap and effective way to force the zombie hordes to take a certain path. You can use these to force all zombie entrances to go down the same route. Then, using your remaining metal, you can set up traps along this path. This way, zombies will always be hit by your traps, instead of being able to walk around them.

Get resource hordes before survivors

Rescuing all survivors is your main goal, so you may get the urge to go straight for survivor hordes when you see them. However, they may be too strong for you. It’s typically better to build up your metal and gem resources by taking on those hordes first, and then upgrading your traps and heroes before fighting the more important missions.

Buy and use consumables

It may be tempting to avoid using consumables, since they cost the same resources it takes to upgrade your inventory. However, these consumables are cheap and powerful. You can use the grenades to knock enemies down and give your traps time to reset, and you can use the health potions to save yourself in a pinch. You’ll find the resources well spent with these.

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Upgrade your cards and take advantage of free items

There’s a daily suitcase available for free under the shop menu. You’ll also get free items from achievements and by killing large amounts of zombies. Make sure to keep upgrading your cards, especially the ones you use the most, as you get more of the resources from these.

Spending money

Most of the microtransactions in this game revolve around skipping time-consuming actions. So if you’re not willing to wait the time to open a second chest, or improve a turret (some of which can take very long waits), then feel free to spend your gems on this. However, you’re best off spending them on upgrades for your units and turrets. If you don’t spend them this way, it may take some grinding to get the resources you need to upgrade your stuff. Thankfully, unlike some free-to-play mobile games, Dead Island: Survivors is completely playable without using microtransactions (as long as you have a lot of patience). Gems are obtainable in game without spending any money. The only real benefit of spending money is saving time.

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